The South Big Data Innovation Hub Seed Grant program is designed to support the convening of people and the cross-pollinating of ideas across disciplines (data science and other domains), and sectors (academia, industry, and government) and communities in order to foster ideas, data, and/or products in support the major goals and priority areas of the South Hub.
Seed grant support will be extended to include:
- Virtual meetings, working groups, and activities related to COVID-19 response.
- Support for faculty placed at a hardship for completing data community building
2020 Seed Fund Cohort
Proposals Submitted: 38
Proposals: Small (11), Medium (13), Large (8)
States represented: 10 of the 16 states in the South Hub region
Communities Served: 4-year colleges (24), HBCUs (7), HSI(2), Community Colleges (0)
Proposal Disciplines Represented: Computer Science (14). Engineering (8). Data Science, Informatics Studies (2). Business, Mathematics, Peace and Conflict Studies, Geography, Finance and Economics (1).Urban Affairs and Public Policy (2). Cybersecurity and Forensics (1). Information and Library Science (1).
Priority Areas: Data Science and Education (25), Data Sharing and CyberInfrastructure (22), Health Disparities (12), Smart Cities and Communities (4), Materials and Advanced Manufacturing (5)
2020 Seed Fund Awardees
Proposals Awarded: 6
Proposals: Small (3), Medium (2), Large ( 1), Unique Institutions Involved: 24
States represented: 10 of the 16 states; FL, VA(3), MD(3), AL, NC(2), GA (3), DC, TX(5), TN, DE
Communities Served: 4-year colleges (3), HBCUs (2), STEM HS (1).
Proposal Disciplines Represented: Computer Science (1), Engineering (1), Data Science (1), Finance and Economics (1), Mathematics (1), Urban Affairs and Public Policy (1).
Priority Areas: Data Science and Education (3), Data Sharing and CyberInfrastructure (2), Health Disparities (2), Smart Cities and Communities (3)
2020 Seed Fund Cohort - Large & Mid-scale Awardees
Large: HBCU Data Science Consortium (HBCU-DSC) - Six University Leads
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL; Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA; Bowie State University, Bowie, Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL; Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC; Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA
Mid: Data4Kids: Virtually Teaching Kids about Data Science - Eight Partners
The Urban Institute, Washington,DC + Seven K12 Organizations (UTeach Outreach, TX; K12 Education Manager, ESRI, VA; GoodGeo.BuenMundo SC; K-12 Education Strategy, Policy, and Services, Texas and Georgia; Launch Years Course Programs Texas and Georgia; University of Memphis, Tennessee; Pathway.ai, Texas
Mid: Evaluation and Demonstration of Open Data Portal Technology for Smart Cities and Data Science for Social Good - Two Universities
University of Baltimore, Towson University
2020 Seed Fund Cohort - Small Awardees
Small: North Carolina Data Science Panel Series
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (K12 11th and 12th graders)
Small: Homeless Data for the State of Delaware by Reducing Uncertainty in Risk Projections for Statewide Hospital Capacity in COVID-19
University of Delaware
Small: Visualization and Data Reuse Challenge - Digital Rocks Portal
The University of Texas at Austin and Virginia Tech